Time Sheet Management System

System Overview

The Time Management System is a complete, centralized solution for managing your staff members' time sheets.The system is fully compatible with Existco Data Collection System.

The system allocates fields for the starting time, end time, job number, pay rates for pay roll and annual leave etc for each employee. All this information can be view or printed out for record keeping or data processing.

The user can view and/or printout leave, project labor, time lost to injury, project labor, absent, sick and employee labor reports.


The data entry sections describes all the fields and screens of the system.

Timesheet Data Entry- The following information will be saved per contact:

Job No Job number for the time sheet
Location Location of the job
Shift Shift details
Week Ending Week Ending Date
Employee Employee last editing the information in the sheet
Completed Completed Indicator

Each active employee will have a week worth of work information as follows relating to the jobs on hand:

Employee Employee Name
Employee No Employee number
PSC Payroll Structure code
In Day 1 Start time Day 1 in the following format HH:MM
Out Day 1 End Time Day 1 in the following format HH:MM
Total Day 1 Total time Day 1 in the following format HH:MM
Absent Code 1 Absent Code Day 1 (SL,AB,SB,TR, etc)

Public Holidays Data Entry- The Public holiday form will be used at the beginning of the year to enter all the public holidays for the year. This information will be used within the system to calculate employee entitlements.

Holiday Date The public holiday Date in the following format dd/mm/yyyy
Holiday Name The public holiday name
Holiday Notes The public holiday notes

Job Information Data Entry- The job information form will be used to enter general information on the job and also indicate whether the job is off shore or on shore. This information will be used within the system to calculate employee entitlements.

Job No Job Number
Job Name Job Name short form
Job Description Job Description long format
Job Offshore Job Offshore indicator
Job Location Job Location Description
Job Employees Employees assigned to the job multi selection available

Employee Entitlements Data Entry- The employee entitlements form is used to view and edit employee entitlements.

Employee No Employee Number
Annual Leave Starting annual leave value
Sick Leave Accumulated Starting sick leave value
Annual Leave Accumulated Annual Leave till today
Accumulated Sick Leave Accumulated Sick Leave till today

Payroll Structure Data Entry- The payroll structure information form will be used to enter general information on the employee payroll type. This information will be used within the system to calculate employee entitlements.

PSC PSC Payroll Structure Code
Labour Mon.-Fri. Labour Hours per day Mon.-Fri.
Labour Sat. Labour Hours per day Saturday
Labour Sun. Labour Hours per day Sunday
Staff Type Select from 4 options (Staff Office, Staff field, Staff Expert, Contractor)
Leave days Leave days per leave period (eg. 15, 14 etc)
Leave Period Leave Period corresponding to leave days (eg. 365, 90, 60 etc)
Sick Leave Days Annual leave days
Compassionate Leave Compassionate Leave Pay indicator
Training Training Pay indicator
Standby Standby Pay indicator
Travel To Project Travel To Project Pay indicator
Travel To Home Travel To Home Pay indicator
LTI Lost Time Injury Pay Indicator

Job Timesheets Listing- The Job Timesheets Listing form will assist in displaying the current incomplete time sheets. This is an administration form to assist in making sure the timesheets are completed.

Job No Job Number
Job Description Job Description
Shift Shift information
Week Ending Week Ending Date in the following format dd/mm/yyyy
Completed Completed data entry indicator


All reports have an option to export to Microsoft Word 2002 for additional editing. Exporting is of text and structure only no graphics can be exported.

  1. Leave Report- Leave Report is listing per employee or all employees current leave accrual and leave day used. This report has time frame filtering.
  2. Projects Labour Report- Projects Labour Report lists all projects and their total hours. This report has time frame filtering.
  3. Lost Time Injury Report- Lost Time Injury Report lists LTI for each employee or for all employees. This report has time frame filtering.
  4. Project Labour Details Report- Project Labour Details Report will list for a single project full labour details with totals and employees grouped by PSC values.
  5. Absent Report- Absent Report lists absente time for each employee or for all employees. This report has time frame filtering.
  6. Sick Report- Sick Report lists sick time for each employee or for all employees. This report has time frame filtering.
  7. Employee Labour Report- Employee Labour Report will list for a single employee full labour details with various jobs. This report has time frame filtering.

Final Words

The software and engineering team at Existco can design a package to suit your needs or adapt one of their many existing systems to your needs.

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