System Components
Injet head Transverse System -The Injet head Transverse System was designed specifically to print a message multiple times along the width of the production line.
6200 Continuous Inkjet Printer - The 6200 Continuous Inkjet Printer can print up to 4 lines of text, barcodes or logos. The printer is designed for industrial applications with a stainless steel and water resistant case. The printer can store up to 999 different messages, and has an inbuilt logo developer.
How it Works
System Overview The printer's head mounts in an arm driven by a motor. The motor is control by the controller box, which has a built-in shut down controller for the printer. There are a series of sensors mounted on the motor arm unit. As the printer's head passes a sensor, the printer is triggered to print the message. The sensors are set to line up with the products on the production line.