System Overview
The HRMS Human Resources Management System is designed to provide centralized Human Resources information with full contact details, skills, status and related information.
The HRMS will be able to share the centralized information to all employees.
The HRMS will also be able to provide important information on the data stores within. such as advanced reporting.
The data entry sections describe all the fields and screens of the system.
Employee Details- The following information will be saved per contact:
Employee Number
Unique Employee Number
Employee Name
Employee Name
Date Of Birth in the following format : dd/mm/yyyy
Nationality of the person (Australia, Indonesian etc) Multiple selection available
Marital Status
Marital status Suc h as (Married, Single etc)
Gender - Male / Female
Religion (eg. Christian, Muslim, Hindu etc) Education Education level (High School, Tertiary etc) Multi Selection Available
Date Of Commencement in the following format : dd/mm/yyyy Multi Selection Available
Date Of Termination in the following format : dd/mm/yyyy Multi Selection Available
Service Records
Service information within company, Multi Selection Available
Highest Education
Highest Education Level Multi selection available.
Issue PPE Issue Information with auto document generation and location saving.
Training records
Training Records information with auto document generation and location saving
Contact Photo
Contact CV file location hyperlink
Disciplinary Record
Disciplinary Record information with auto document generation and location saving
Contact Details- Contact details of personnel.
Key Information- Confidential details of personnel and these fields are password protected.
All address details Street, Suburb, State, Country
Tel No 1
Tel Number 1 in international format (eg. +62 (1) 8100 0356)
Tel No 2
Tel Number 2 in international format (eg. +1 (555) 7200 0876)
Mobile No 1
Mobile Number 1 in international format (eg. +61 (85) 9300 0856)
Mobile No 2
Mobile Number 2 in international format (eg. +61 (85) 9300 0843)
Email 1
Email 1 address in hyperlink format
Email 2
Email 2 address in hyperlink format
Next of Kin 1
Next of Kine 1 Description (eg. Wife, child, father etc)
Tel Kin 1
Tel Number Kin 1 in international format (eg. +62 (1) 8100 0356)
Next of Kin 2
Next of Kine 2 Description (eg. Wife, child, father etc)
Tel Kin 2
Tel Number Kin 2 in international format (eg. +62 (1) 8100 0356)
Family Information- Spouse and family details.
ID Number
ID Expiry
Expiry Date of the ID in the following format : dd/mm/yyyy
Passport No
Passport Number alphanumeric
Passport Country
Passport Issue Country
Passport Expiry
Passport Expiry Date in the following format : dd/mm/yyyy
Driving License
Driving License Number alphanumeric
Driving License
Expiry Driving License Expiry Date in the following format : dd/mm/yyyy
Visa Type
Visa type in passport
Visa Expiry
Visa Expiry in the following format: dd/mm/yyyy
Marriage Status
Marriage Status (eg. Married divorced single etc.)
Spouse Name
Spouse name
Spouse DOB
Spouse Date Of Birth in the following format : dd/mm/yyyy
Child Name
Child Name Multi selection available with corresponding DOB
Child DOB
Child Date of birth multi selection available with corresponding Name
Bank Information- Bank details for payments.
Bank Name
Bank Branch information
Bank Address details
Branch Code
Bank Branch code
Account No
Bank Account no
Bank details notes for payment details
Bank Account Active Yes/No
Each Employee can have multiple bank details.
A searching form will be provided that can help search for employees based on information entered. Searching will be done based on the following fields:
Contact Name
Contact Name
Nationality of the person (Australia, Indonesian etc) Multiple selection available.
Religion (eg. Christian, Muslim, Hindu etc)
Any of the field that has an expiry date for any of the stored fields will flash on the main screen of the employee for a warning and have an associated txt stating which warning is active. Dosage warning has the highest priority.
All reports have an option to export to Microsoft Word 2002 for additional editing. Exporting is of text and structure only no graphics can be exported.
Employee Details Report- The Employee Details Report will list for a single employee all the information stored against them. This report will act as a complete employee information sheet.
Teledex Report- The Teledex report is a hardcopy report of employee contact information for easy quick check-up. The teledex report is summarised contact information for each employee.
Banking Report- The banking report is a printout of the banking information for a specific employee or all employees.
Alarms Report- The alarms report is used to list per employee all pending alarms. The alarms are based on the expiry date or dosage level for each employee.
Employee Skills Report- The employee skills report list all qualification and their expiry dates per employee or for all employees.
Final Words
The software and engineering team at Existco can design a package to suit your need.